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List Of Senior Steno
S NoOfficer NameDate Of BirthPlace Of Posting
1 Mubariq Ahmed Dar 05 Feb 1966Anti Corruption Bureau, J&K (I/c Private Secretary)
2 Robinder Singh 14 Jul 1978School Education Department (I/C Private Secretary)
3 Sajad Ahmad Sheikh 10 Apr 1974Planning Development & Monitoring Department
4 Nisar Ahmad Bhat 01 Mar 1975Rural Development Development
5 Ravi Sharma 30 Nov 1972Power Development Department
6 Prem Kumar 28 Feb 1981 Cooperative Department
7 Showkat Ahmad Dar 12 Mar 1980Lieutenant Governor's Secretariat, Raj Bhavan J&K
8 Vinod Kumar Bhat 01 Mar 1967Agriculture Production Department
9 Mohammad Yaseen Dar 03 Jan 1972Housing and Urban Development Department
10 Riyaz Ahmad Wani 25 Nov 1970Office of Chief Secretary
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