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Forwarding of Central Administrative Tribunal Vacancy
Circular dated 21-01-2025-reg
| 25/02/2025 |
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Filling up of various posts in the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal on deputation basis
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Filling up of the Posts in the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights, New Delhi on deputation on Foreign Service Terms-regarding
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Filling up the post of Assistant Professor Physical Chemistry Re designated as Assistant Professor Chemistry at National Sugar Institute Kanpur by Composite Method: Promotion/Deputation including short-term contract
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Inviting applications on deputation on Foreign service terms for the post of Section Officer in the Unique Identification Authority of India UIDAI Head Office New Delhi
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Filling up of 01 post of Mission Director, National Mission on interdisciplinary Cyber-physical System NM_ICPS in the Department of Science and Technology on Deputation including short-term contract ISTC basis-regarding
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Selection for the posts of Administrative Members in Central Administrative Tribunal CAT-reg
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Filling up of one post of Joint Industrial Adviser General Central Service Group-A Gazetted Non ministerial in Level -12 Rs 78800 -Rs 209200/- and one post of Deputy Industrial Advisor
General Central Service Group-A Gazetted Non-ministerial in Level 11 Rs 67700-Rs 280700 in the Department Chemicals and Petrochemicals on deputation including short term contract basis
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Appointment to the post of Member Renewable Energy in the Central Electricity Authority on deputation/short-term contract basis-inviting additional applications for -regarding
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Appointment to the post of Managing Director Punatsangchhu-I Hydroelectric Project Authority PHPA-I in Bhutan-reg
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